Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Upward Basketball

What a season this has been. Leah has practice on Mondays and Noah on Wednesdays. Leah's games are in the mornings on Saturdays and Noah's are in the afternoon. This week was our next to last practice and Saturday is our next to last game. I am amazed at how much my team and my children have improved. I love coaching Leah's team. It is so exciting to watch them play and actually do what you have taught them. It is doubly exciting to see them make their first basket. Leah is my athlete. She is short, but very fast. She is an awesome defensive player and very aggressive, but can surprise you with some amazing outside baskets. She amazed the crowd each week with her skills and abilities. Although I am looking forward to a break, I can't wait until next year to see what my team can do. Noah is athletic, he is not aggressive at all. He would rather pass the ball than shot it. He is an excellent coach and loves to shot plays and tell his team what they should be doing. His favorite thing is to "set a pick" for his team. He makes me laugh. Noah had a wonderful coach this year and has really learned a lot htis season. I am so thankful for Upward and the opportunity for my kids to experience this sport in such a positive and christian way. I encourage anyone to find an Upward program in their area for their kids next year.


queenof57 said...

the cake is so cool looks like m&m's for the number glad the know it doing so great granny would have been so proud the pictures are great kept it up thanks mema

Jenn said...

I loved reading about the kids basketball season. I will have to check out Upwards for next year.

Thank cake is so cute - great job!!

Lisa Smith said...

Basketball has been a big hit in our family too. Your kids sound like mine. Both my girls are very athletic. Julia is so aggressive and focused when she plays. She'll get the ball at any cost. Alyssa just wants to have fun, would rather pass to her friends so they can all touch the ball and actually cries on the court when the other team is winning!